Sir Joey

Joey as a founder is an experienced adjuster and has a wide variety of experience in handling various insurance claims during his 31 year career. He started his adjustment profession as property adjuster and appraiser with Pacific Adjustment Company, Inc., in 1989 prior to his employment as property adjuster with BA Adjusters and Marine Services, Inc.,(BA McLarens) in 1994 and Cunningham Toplis Philippines, Inc., in 1995.

Denna postkontroll passar de par som regelbundet besöker yogaklasser (engagerade i fysiska övningar, för att behärska “Kamasutra” är i allmänhet mycket lättare). Ung man sitter i en lotus pose, kvinna ovanifrån. Långsamt svänger, börjar du klämma och klämma in musklerna i vagina, i andas framåt, slappna av musklerna, på andan – rygg, spänning. Experter av yoga kan försöka i denna position för att uppnå gilla detta synkronisering av rörelser och andning. När du andas in – han andas ut, och hans rörelser speglade din. Efter att ha behärskat den här könshållningen, kommer du att förstå vad den verkliga intima närhet är!


In 1998, he was invited to re-join Pacific Adjustment Co., Inc., to manage the Fire and Engineering Department of the company. In 2005 he joined Top Brass Insurance Adjusters and Surveyors Co., Inc., as Vice President-Operations of Fire, Engineering and Appraisal Department of the company. During of stayed with those companies, he attended seminars, training and exposures related to insurance adjustment and appraisal works. With all those expertise, technical knowledge and managerial skills, Joey developed self-confidence to put his own adjustment/appraisal firm.

Last September 2014, our Mr. Joey G. Dalanon, Jr is an Affiliate Member of Australasian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA). He conducts lecture with Insurance Institute for Asia and the Pacific (IIAP) for claims Technician Course, Condominium Insurance and Claims Adjustment. He is an active member of the Association of Philippine Adjustment Companies (APAC) where he served as President for consecutive years in 2022 and for year 2023. He is an active member of Philippine Institute of Loss Adjusters (PILA) where he was secretary for two (2) term and conduct lecture on Liability Claims involving different kind of policies. He is also a member of the Philippine Association of Realty Appraisers (PARA)

On March 21, 2018, he graduated Juris Doctor (JD) from Philippine Law School.